Bumi Pancasona Sports Club Bumi Pancasona Sports Club
4.73 5 4.80
IDR 2025-03-12 Rp. 120,000
Welcome to Bumi Pancasona Sports Club - Active Lifestyle and Fitness Bumi Pancasona Sports Club is a sports club located in the Kota Baru Parahyangan area, surrounded by beautiful and cool natural beauty. Bumi pancasona provides various sports facilities that can be used by members and the public to improve health, fitness and cultivate a healthy lifestyle, and can be the right choice of venue to organize a memorable special event. Well-maintained facilities and targeted exercise programs make exercise classes and clinics as foundation of Bumi Pancasona's "Active Lifestyle and Fitness" philosophy. Bumi Pancasona has various main facilities such as: Olympic size swimming pool; heated pool and children's pool; gym with cardio and fitness equipment; tennis/basketball/indoor futsal court, badminton court and outdoor futsal court. Special classes are also offered at no additional charged to members. Bumi Pancasona collaborates with various professional personal trainers and some of the best sports clubs in their respective fields to serve members effectively and to the fullest extent. With its various facilities, Bumi Pancasona is expected to be the main destination for the residents of Kota Baru Parahyangan and surrounding areas to conduct sports activities as well as a place to organize sports activities.
Badminton - Court 3 - 14 January 2025
5.0/ 5
kesalahan pribadi, salah booking hari
Basket - Indoor Court - 06 January 2025
4.0/ 5
venue lumayan.. tolong ring basket, dan lantai yg sudah minus segera dipebaiki🙏
Bumi Pancasona Sports Club
Bumi Pancasona Sports Club
Bumi Pancasona Sports Club
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Bumi Pancasona Sports Club
4.73 5 4.80
Jl Gelap Nyawang Kav 3, Kota Baru Parahyangan, Padalarang, Bandung Kabupaten Bandung Barat Jawa Barat

Bumi Pancasona Sports Club

4.8 ·
Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat
Bumi Pancasona Sports Club Welcome to Bumi Pancasona Sports Club - Active Lifestyle and Fitness Bumi Pancasona Sports Club is a sports club located in the Kota Baru Parahyangan area, surrounded by beautiful and cool natural beauty. Bumi pancasona provides various sports facilities that can be used by members and the public to improve health, fitness and cultivate a healthy lifestyle, and can be the right choice of venue to organize a memorable special event. Well-maintained facilities and targeted exercise programs make exercise classes and clinics as foundation of Bumi Pancasona's "Active Lifestyle and Fitness" philosophy. Bumi Pancasona has various main facilities such as: Olympic size swimming pool; heated pool and children's pool; gym with cardio and fitness equipment; tennis/basketball/indoor futsal court, badminton court and outdoor futsal court. Special classes are also offered at no additional charged to members. Bumi Pancasona collaborates with various professional personal trainers and some of the best sports clubs in their respective fields to serve members effectively and to the fullest extent. With its various facilities, Bumi Pancasona is expected to be the main destination for the residents of Kota Baru Parahyangan and surrounding areas to conduct sports activities as well as a place to organize sports activities.


Welcome to Bumi Pancasona Sports Club - Active Lifestyle and Fitness Bumi Pancasona Sports Club is a sports club located in the Kota Baru Parahyangan area, surrounded by beautiful and cool natural beauty. Bumi pancasona provides various sports facilities that can be used by members and the public to improve health, fitness and cultivate a healthy lifestyle, and can be the right choice of venue to organize a memorable special event. Well-maintained facilities and targeted exercise programs make exercise classes and clinics as foundation of Bumi Pancasona's "Active Lifestyle and Fitness" philosophy. Bumi Pancasona has various main facilities such as: Olympic size swimming pool; heated pool and children's pool; gym with cardio and fitness equipment; tennis/basketball/indoor futsal court, badminton court and outdoor futsal court. Special classes are also offered at no additional charged to members. Bumi Pancasona collaborates with various professional personal trainers and some of the best sports clubs in their respective fields to serve members effectively and to the fullest extent. With its various facilities, Bumi Pancasona is expected to be the main destination for the residents of Kota Baru Parahyangan and surrounding areas to conduct sports activities as well as a place to organize sports activities.

Aturan Venue

- Firearms and edged weapons are not allowed. - It is not allowed to bring and/or consume drugs and/or illegal substances. - Not allowed to engage in any form of gambling. - Not allowed to bring pets of any kind. - Non-smoking and/or no smoking. - Not allowed to bring food from outside the Bumi Pancasona area, except food and drinks for children under 2 (two) years old.
Baca Selengkapnya

Lokasi Venue

Jl Gelap Nyawang Kav 3, Kota Baru Parahyangan, Padalarang, Bandung

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5 rating · 2 ulasan
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Kebersihan 4.80
Kondisi Lapangan 4.60
Komunikasi 4.80
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Diulas: 14 January 2025

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kesalahan pribadi, salah booking hari
Badminton - Court 3
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Diulas: 06 January 2025

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venue lumayan.. tolong ring basket, dan lantai yg sudah minus segera dipebaiki🙏
Basket - Indoor Court
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5 rating · 2 ulasan
Kebersihan 4.80
Kondisi Lapangan 4.60
Komunikasi 4.80
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Penyewa membatalkan reservasi hingga 24 jam sebelum waktu check-in.

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